Studio X switch to Studio

My UiPath studio switch to Studio X automatically today.
I would like to switch back to Studio, but it seems be blocked as following.
How should I do?

It says you have an Automation Express License in the bottem left corner, which only grants access to Studio X and Web. Can you check in Orchestrator if the correct license is assigned to you?


Logout from the UiPath Assistant and Orchestrator.
Now Login with the same credentials and create a new Organization name in Orchestrator and connect with Assistant.

Hoe it helps!!

I believe the Trial Pro license in Cloud downgrades to the Free tier after 60 days.

There are two ways from here, and it kind of depends on your situation:

  • if you are an small business or an Enterprise, you will either have to continue using the Free Enterprise tier or purchase a license
  • if you are a person who simply wants to use our product suite for personal or education purpose, you can make a new Community account (direct link to community registration)

Hi pravallikapaluri,
I have created the new organization name, but I don’t know how to do the next step.

Hi everyone
If you are assigned to an Automatin Express license, you can only use StudioX, so if you access Automation Cloud and assign it to an Attended or Developer license, it will be replaced with Studio.

Issue already fixed.
I created a new organization name and restart PC, then successfully.

Thanks your replies.

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