Studio Pro EE - Click / Modern Click

Hi there, could someone tell me if I’m missing a steps in my settings? The default Click activity I’m getting is coming from UIPath.UIAutomationNext.NClick instead of UIPath.Core.Activities.Click. I’m also get confused in the documentation where it says:

Starting with v2020.10, the UIAutomationNext package has been deprecated and the existing UIAutomation package has been expanded to include all the modern features previously available in UiAutomationNext

I’m using Studio Pro 2021.4.3 EE. The weird thing is that I exported my colleague’s workflow and he’s using the click from UIPath.Core.Activities.Click. And when I add more click I’m getting the NClick. The Nclick is annoying, it ask you to associate the click to the app/browser. I’m using a flowchart and every time I start with the new sequence, I cannot use the click unless I open the app/browser first. Or put the whole flowchart inside the app/browser. Even the support guy I spoke with, he’s confused and doesn’t know much about it because he used studio most of the time.

Is there a way to force to use the UIPath.Core.Activities instead of the UIAutomationNext?

Hi @pangilin

It is related to this setting:

As well as filters in the Activities panel:

Which Studio and UI Automation version were used to export the workflow?