Hello Team,
How can we convert data ( exp : uipath ) to title case (exp : Uipath),Please guide
You can use this
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(“exp : uipath”)
Wouldnt this become: “Exp : UiPath” ?
Yes it will.
Whatever value we need to change as Title case we can pass it and get it changed
To Get below
exp : Uipath
We can split the string and use it .
str yyy = String.split(":“c)(0)
str sss = String.split(”:"c)(1)
Again yyy+“:”+sss will give the value
Yes, the start of each word sperated by a space would be capitalized.
what i meant it is not what the post asked for…
Right ! Sorry, I just noticed that.
I think my recent reply of logic will work .
use System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(sss)
You can use download below component Uipath GO and use it. By using this activity, we can easily convert given string to different string cases like LowerCase, UpperCase, TitleCase, ToggleCase and SentenceCase.
create cultureinfo variable
Try this
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