Storing HTML Email Body in Variable in Outlook Desktop App

What is the best way to use Outlook (desktop) and have the body be stored in a variable that includes HTML code? I tried using the “Use Desktop Outlook App” action and in the “Do” step I used the “Send Email” action. I used both the HTML option (went into the editor and added the variable I want to use from a data value) and tried to send it to myself, but I just got a bunch of HTML code instead of it converting in Outlook to look like a normal email. For additional context, the variable has HTML code stored and it’s just a table with some information that is unique to every person I plan on sending this to in my organization. I tried the text option and ran into the same issue.

Hi @TonyO

Instead of writing HTML code why don’t you try using Create HTML Content activity and write the required text of body over there. After that you can use Send Outlook Mail Message and pass the output variable of Create HTML Content in the body. Make sure to enable IsBodyHTML in Send Outlook Mail Message. Below steps will help you do the process.

→ Create HTML Content-> Open Editor


→ Use Send Outlook Mail Message to send email check mark IsBodyHTML in the properties panel


You can do the same process using Us Desktop Outlook App and inside that Send Email. Write the required body text and not HTML Code pass the table by using Open Editor.

Either of the ways you can send the email



Please refer this so you get an idea