You can use Create HTML content activity to create the body and insert table and save the output in a Variable. Pass this output in Body field in Send outlook mail message or Send SMTP activity and check the IsBodyHTML option in properties.
→ Use the Read Range workbook activity to read the excel and store in a datatable variable.
→ Click on the Open editor option in Create HTML content activity a window popsup.
→ In that window, click Add data values, and click on Add data values option, Select Table.
→ Pass the datatable variable and click on save.
→ After that give all the body text in the open editor window.
→ Go to the specified place where you want to insert table, click on add data values again and select the table option.
Check the below images for better understanding,
→ Read Range Workbook
In Properties of Read Range remove the check of Add Headers.
Output-> dt_Table
→ Create HTML Content-> Open Editor
→ Use Send Outlook Mail Message to send email check mark IsBodyHTML in the properties panel
Hope it helps!!