Here is the string variable " (6863577)FJIDXFHHDDDDFF ". This is the input, i need “FJIDXFHHDDDDFF” As the output.
Here is the string variable " (6863577)FJIDXFHHDDDDFF ". This is the input, i need “FJIDXFHHDDDDFF” As the output.
Hi @Aarthy1
- Assign -> StrVar = "(6863577)FJIDXFHHDDDDFF"
- Assign -> StrVar = StrVar.Split(")")(1).toString.trim
Check the below image for better understanding
You can use the below regular expression to extract the output.
Hope it helps!!
Hi @Aarthy1
string input = "(6863577)FJIDXFHHDDDDFF";
string output = input.Substring(input.IndexOf(")") + 1)
Hope it helps!!
Hey @Aarthy1 ,
You can use input.Split(")"c)(1)
So basically the above code will split the string on the basis of closing parenthesis , i.e. “)”
The output of normal split is a collection, but we want a string after the closing parenthesis so we write (1) to access the second element (index 1) of the array that results from the split. Arrays
below is the output
Hope it helps you
If your input string is the same format as (6863577)FJIDXFHHDDDDFF , you can [A-Z]+ regex expression
outputString = regex.match(inputString,“[A-Z]+”)