I have scenerio where there are 9 different ids and bot will download .xls file for all the ids,if the excel file is found greater then 500Mb then split that excel file into multiple files into 50000 rows with the headers.
And if my parent file name is File1.xls then my next splitted file name will be File2.xls file3.xls for same id if found greater then 500Mb.
2. Check the file size - for this you can you File Info activity to the size of the file. If size > 500 AM proceed to split the file.
3. Rad the Excel file,
Use the Excel Application Scope activity to open the file.
Use the Read Range activity to read data (Read the whole sheet if the row count is unknown).
4. Split Excel into Smaller Files.
Use a For Each Row loop to process data in chunks.
Create a counter to check the number of rows (50,000).
Every time the counter reaches 50,000 create a new file along with the header.
5. Naming Split Files - To achieve this maintain a variable or argument with the file name and use a counter to increment the file name if the original file is named File1.xlsx