Hi UiPath Community,
I have an excel file in which i need to split the excel data whenever the data (“Sr.No”) shows and write it into another excel sheet i will attach the sample excel file below please help to solve this problem.
sample.xlsx (9.2 KB)
Hi @alan.prakash ,
You need split original data table to multiple data table base on value “Sr.No”
that’s right?
Hii @alan.prakash
Use this Link Query
From row in dt.AsEnumerable()group row by row.Field(splitColumn) into g Select new{Category = g.Key,Data = g.CopyToDataTable()};
Yes i need to split data based on value sr.no, i have extracted this value from pdf so whenever the sr.no comes splits the data while writing the data to another sheet it should contain that header also
Hi @alan.prakash ,
- Read the Excel file to a data table.
- for each row the data table
- check if your row is value “Sr.No"
index of that value, than split data table
I will try with your file
Can u elaborate it where i need to place sr.no
Replace Category
Select new Sl.no = g.Key
it is showing error when i given this query
Hi @alan.prakash ,
Could you try with the below Steps :
Assuming Read Range of the Excel sheet is performed and the Datatable is received as Output. Lets say the variable name as
. -
Next, we can identify the row indices of the Keyword
using the below Expression :
indicesArray = DT.AsEnumerable.SelectMany(Function(x,j)if(x(0).ToString.Contains("Sr.No"),{j},{-1})).Where(Function(x)x<>-1).ToArray
Here, indicesArray
is of the type Array of Integer.
- Next, we can create Collection of Start and End row indices values based on the Keyword using the Zip method like below :
indicesArrOfArray = indicesArray.Zip(indicesArray.Skip(1).Append(DT.RowCount),Function(a,b)new integer(){a,b-a}).ToArray
Here, indicesArrOfArray
is of the type Array of Array of Integer
- We could then use a
For Each
activity to loop over the created collection, and populate the Sheets one by one using the below Expression in the Datatable Property ofWrite Range
The Implementation :
Workflow :
Excel_SplitTables.zip (10.0 KB)
Do check and let us know if it works.
Thank u so much solution is working
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