how to split an excel file into 2 files based on a list,
Name 1 / 2 /3 = group 1 = create excel file 1 with name 1, 2 and 3
Name 4/5 = group 2 = create excel file 2 with name 4 and 5
In your case we do groupBy by 1 key
(From d in YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable
Group d by k1=d(“Group”).toString.Trim grp=Group
Select t=grp.CopyToDataTable).toList
Also Have A look here:
Hi @Soudios
Please try below steps,
Read the excel sheet data in the datatable variable name dt.
Create a array of string variable named arrStr, system.string in variables panel.
In assign activity,assign arrStr to
(From dtRow in dt.asenumerable
group dtRow by k=dtRow("Group").tostring.trim into grp= group
Select cstr(grp(0)("Group"))).toarray
Drag a for each activity and select type argument as string zand value as arrStr
Inside for each use write range activity and give sheet name as “Group” + item.tostring it want to create a new sheet for each group,else give “Group” + item.tostring + “.xlsx” in file name if want to create a new file.
And finally in write range give datatable as,
(From dtRow in dt.asenumerable
Where dtRow("Group").tostring.equals(item.tostring)
Select dtRow).copytodatatable
i tried with filter data
if B equals 1 then write it on excel 1 even write it on excel 2 but the problem is that the bot erase the first data with the second data
see there are many options to do it. Also in the HowTo Alternates were described including Non LINQ ones working with filter data. Feel free to select one your choices and implement it as described.
can’t find with filter option
Yes we can do, create a datatable called dtTemp in variables panel and type in default value as new datatable
Please follow the steps I mentioned and before write range use filter datatable and in input datatable give dt and output datatable give dtTemp,open filter wilzard select keep rows, in column give “Group” ,in operation select equals to , and in value give item.tostring
In write range instead of query I gave , type dtTemp.
do you have a sample plz ?
@Soudios - here you go…Please try as shown below…
- Build Data table (You can use Read Range and Read your excel here)
For Each Row Code = Dt.DefaultView.ToTable(True,“Group”)
Filter Data Table.
Write Range
Workbook path = "output" + row("Group").ToString + ".xlsx"
Final Output - 2 files created , one for each unique group…
Hope this helps…
Thank you for you answer but for names its just an exemple i have more than 10000 names i can’t build a data table
That was just an example. Please read my post again. I have mentioned as
“You can use Read Range and Read your excel here)”
the file where there is the list is in another excel file, so the robot has to compare the list of names in file 1 with the list in the 2nd excel file. What I did is that the robot makes a loop on the list
This is the file “ExcelRempli”
When i lunch the bot i have this error :
Someone can help me with these new information ?