Speed up queue trigger

Hi @J0ska
The default check interval is 30 minutes, and you’re right, the condition for instantly triggering a new job is a transaction with “New” status. Unprocessed transactions (including retried ones) need to wait for the 30 minutes interval.

Now for on premise Orchestrator, The “Queue.ProcessActivationSchedule” parameter can be used to adjust the default 30-minute check interval (with values between 0 and 59). This value is set within the “UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config” file (you will need to restart IIS and to recreate the trigger)
This parameter is not exposed in cloud Orchestrator, but you can contact the support team to apply such changes.


Thx to all contributing this discussion. The behaviour was clearly explained by @Emira.
It looks like pretty “dummy” fixed retry interval mechanism.


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Yep, it’s the one mentioned by @Emira

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