Hi everyone,
i just beginn with uipath and i have some isues with a Task i got. I have a Excel document with differents types of element inside and i want to extract all the Elements per cathogory and save each of them in a new sheet.
i tried with try catch activity , using .ToString.Sum but i didn’t knew what ecxatly to write. i also use sort table etc… but i failed. i will very appreciate your heps.(sorry for my english, i am not a native Speaker )
if i want for example to cathegorize the fruits in this table and save each of them in a new sheet how can i do that?
thanks in advance.
Can you please attach the excel file
Refer this it might help you
here it is
please drag and drop the excel file
@4ever, Welcome to community You are in the right place to clarify things.
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- It will be good if you search for the existing solutions in the forum for your requirement before you post.
- Your posts reaches more people if place your query in the right category. Move it from Ideas to HowTo section. There is high chance you getting more and best solutions.
- Start with the links shared by mahesh. This path will be adventurous.
fruits.xlsx (8.2 KB)
allright @Dominic thank you for your advice
conserning the defaultview (“[Name] ASC, [Index No] Desc”):
- In [Name] ASC : i suppose i have to write what i want to sort. for example Mango
- [Index No]: should i just give a big number and make sure that is bigger than the number of element i have? because in case i have a very big list, i wont know exactly the number of Elements inside the table.
when i try with defautview i have this exeption:
here is the data
sort table fruit.xaml (10.4 KB)
Hi @4ever,
use this
sort table fruit.xaml (10.3 KB)
@MAHESH1 @arivu96 @Dominic The solution you Said is fine for current scenario. I got one doubt what happens if there is huge data of different names of string type we cant hard code like sort by “mango” or “Apple”
like this
DataTable.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row(“fruit”).ToString = “apple”).CopyToDataTable()
I didn’t understand your requirement properly.
I will explain you what i understand
Do you want to get the rows having apple and paste it in a sheet and Mango in different sheetand Orange in diffrent sheet .
Sorry If Iam wrong.
I understand upto sorting. how to extract each type of fruit and generate Excel file.If there a countless type of fruit
Hi @arivu96
i have the same exeption’s message
it seem like there is a Problem in the first Assign activity
try this Query
First Read your excel sheet and store it in a datatable dta
Collection=(From p In dta.Select()
Group p by Fruit=p.Item(“Fruit”).ToString Into Group
Select Group)
Collection type should be IEnumerable<IEnumerable< DataRows>
Then Run For Each for the collection The element type should be IEnumerable
Then Inside that Convert Item.CopyToDataTable and use the same to write in excel sheet.
Loop in such a way that it should write in different excel sheet