Hi All,
I am looking for help here in one of the requirement where i have to Sort the data table first and then create new data table based on sorting results.
For e.g
Emp ID Emp Name Department
1 abc Automation
2 def Testing
3 ghi R&D
4 jkl Automation
5 mno Testing
6 pqr R&D
Now in above case BOT first should sort based on Department
For e.g.
Emp ID Emp Name Department
1 abc Automation
4 jkl Automation
2 def Testing
5 mno Testing
3 ghi R&D
6 pqr R&D
and then create 3 new data table like below based on Sort results
Datable 1
Emp ID Emp Name Department
1 abc Automation
4 jkl Automation
Datatable 2
Emp ID Emp Name Department
2 def Testing
5 mno Testing
Datatable 3
Emp ID Emp Name Department
3 ghi R&D
6 pqr R&D