Hi All!
I have a datatable like this. I want to group by “Column1” adding values “Column2”
Excel is here
Datatable.xlsx (9.4 KB)
Hi All!
I have a datatable like this. I want to group by “Column1” adding values “Column2”
Excel is here
Datatable.xlsx (9.4 KB)
What is your required output, Share an image or file.
File is added. in Sheet2 expected output
How about the following sample?
dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r(0).ToString).Select(Function(g) dt.Clone.LoadDataRow({g.Key,g.Sum(Function(r) Double.Parse(r(1).ToString,System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any,new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES"))).ToString("#,0.###",new system.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES")),g.First.item(2),g.First.item(3),g.First.item(4)},False)).CopyToDataTable
Sample20240125-8a.zip (9.7 KB)
Thank you! It worked!!!
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