I am currently trying to develop an “Act-Bot” using Kore.ai platform and orchestrator.
Therefore I need to push arguments from the Kore.ai platform to an orchestrator queue and process them in UIPath.
Unfortunately I do not have a development background. I have followed the steps described in a Kore.AI Integration documentation and configured a ‘AuthorizeWithOrchestrator’ request using https://platform.uipath.com/api/Account/Authenticate as in API documentation (https://docs.uipath.com/orchestrator/v2017.1/reference#queues_starttransaction-1). My settings are as followed and if I test the request it seems to be successful.
If I test the bot I will receive positive responses for both requests.
In debug log it will tell me the nodes have been successfully processed.
Nevertheless if I monitor the Queue in Orchetrator there will be no transaction and no uploaded items.
Has anyone experience with these APIs and can tell me what I might have configuered wrongly?
Having done a further research I can share further information on the problem.
Apparently referring to the orchestrator 2018 API Guide a sample response should be looking somehow like this:
Update: Happy to provide you with an update!
It is working now!!!
So for everyone facing a similar issue in the future.
Problem cause in initial post: referring to an older version of the API guide I did not declare the parameters as
“Action@odata.type”: “#String”
Second version of the body is correct besides missing a comma after “Priority”:“Normal”, so the code that will work is actually: