Slack integration-Extract message from slack

Can any one plz guide me how to extract the recent message from slack using UiPath

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Hey @Yesodha_Karuppusamy

Here you go -


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Will try

Can u plz what to do in the Body of the Activity(Get Messsage)?


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Hey @Yesodha_Karuppusamy

The above configuration giving you messages right ?


yes its working fine now

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Cool @Yesodha_Karuppusamy :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Now I am working in another task like, Copy the message from one channel and should write in another channel. can u help me in the same

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Okay @Yesodha_Karuppusamy

Let me check the possibilities…

@Nithinkrishna thank u!

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Hey @Yesodha_Karuppusamy

I can see a scope for sending a message into the Channel where you want to copy !


want to copy from one channel and to paste in another channel

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Yes, sending a same message(from channel1) to the other channel still has the same output hope am right ?

sorry i didnt get u

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Okay @Yesodha_Karuppusamy

When you say copy paste you want to just have the same message in the other channel right ?


Yes. the same message

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So @Yesodha_Karuppusamy what I thought is since current we only have get and send message activities in UiPath, so we will just use send message and send it to the new channel !


fine…thanks for your explanation. I will try and let u know

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Sure @Yesodha_Karuppusamy

Thanks a lot @Nithinkrishna. I got the result.

Thanks thanks thanks!!!

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