Today, it happened twice. I’ve been using this project (opening, editing, etc.) for more than one week, and today, after I published the process to Orchestrator, it started failing to load these activities.
When I “Replace Activity”, activity properties return empty. So, if I don’t have the previous version or haven’t documented the properties in detail, it’s very difficult to recover from this situation. I have a previous package version, and I’m also not able to copy-paste the activities from the old project to the current project.
This issue is a critical problem for keeping the source code locally. What causes this, and how can I prevent it from happening again?
Today it happended twice without any of the changes. I only opened the code on my local, worked on it and published to Orchestrator. Then a moment later, I opened again and it was broken. I deleted the unresolved acitivites and added the activities again, then published again. A few hours later, opened the code, it’s broken again.
There isn’t any package update, studio version update or any change between the issues.
And the other projects are fine (for now) with the same activity package version.
Funnily enough, when I download the package from Orchestrator on a different machine, one of the package version is recovered by itself after I open and close the project a few times. But the later version of the project package didn’t recover. Both of them has the exact same dependency versions.
It didn’t work. And I realised the other activities are also not normal. Please check the invoke activity, it’s missing import arguments, open workflow, arguments buttons and fields.
I was using the same account to connect to those activities. And sometimes the account connection loading takes a bit longer and can end up with another account from the list I didn’t select before.
Could that be because of the integration service connection with the Studio?
Please see the details below. And Please check how the 2nd project has “.Runtime” dependencies. After I deleted the Runtime atleast the System Activities returned to normal:
looks like you got the project from .nupkg…that is why it is goign to runtime
so basically to reduce package size while runnign here are runtime packages created and once you publish in package it would be liek that…so we should not use files prom nupkg instead have the process with us in repo
Actually, I have the source process. I don’t know how that happened.
Anyways, the project can’t create .local/.customtypes for some reason. I tried to copy from other projects but didn’t solve the problem completely. (Studio.Generated.TypedDataRow1.dll etc.)
So I created a new project copied all unproblematic workflows and added SharePoint activities from scratch with the same package version. It’s working so far.
Studio creates a .customtype whenever we add a SharePoint List activity. Somewhere after DataRow30 or 40, some problems occur. I think it’s something about that. I also created a support ticket. I’ll keep this topic open until it reaches to product team.
I didn’t have any changes between the issues. And I have other projects -thankfully- not affected like this. All projects use the same version of the Microsoft365 activity package.
I created a UiPath Support Ticket for this issue and attaching the response from them:
Our engineers released a fix that is now in Studio 24.10.7 patch. You will need to upgrade Studio to the latest version for the changes to take effect. I will proceed setting the case as “Resolved” since a fix was deployed. If you still encounter the issue, you can respond to the case within 1-2 days or re-open from the customer portal within 15 days and we’d be happy to continue support.
“They would need to upgrade either to the latest Studio 24.10.7 patch or Studio 25.0.0, which it will be released this month.”