I’m having trouble publishing the project that I’ve created. In this project, I’m importing a library, which I also created. Now, when I try to publish my project, I am getting this issue:
I can’t seem to track where the issue was coming from. I was able to publish the library successfully, but I’m getting an issue when I publish a project that imports it.
When I remove the said library, I can publish the project.
Within your library, do you have the dependencies set to Strict? Within a library, you should set them to Lowest Applicable Version. With it set to Strict, if you have the same dependencies in your main project where you’re trying to use the library, it cannot resolve the discrepancy. For example…
Library Dependencies:
UiPath.SomePackage v1 (Strict)
Main process:
** UiPath.SomePackage v1
UiPath.SomePackage v2 (Strict)
This causes a problem because it cannot resolve the different versions of UiPath.SomePackage in the main process. You have to set UiPath.SomePackage v1 as Lowest Applicable Version in the library, so that in the main process it can resolve it to v2 to match the duplicate dependency in the main process.
Run the Analyzer (on the main process where you’re getting the error). Assuming the Analyzer also reports the error in its results, double click the result to see if it takes you to the offending section of code.