Send Outlook Mail with different email address

Hi Guys,

I am sending some mails using send outlook mail activity. I wanted to know is there a way where I can send emails in a way that when the receivers replies to them, it goes to different email address and not to the one who sent it.
Like in outlook we have an option to send from other email address as shown in the picture below

Any help on the topic is highly appreciated.


hi @kunalj

you can use SMTP activity to send the Mail instead of outlook.


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Yes you can send and enter other Email id in SentOnBehalfOfName in properties. And also make sure you should have permission with using other email id.


Hi @lakshman thanks for your help. It works.
The word “Name” used was deceptive that I never thought of putting up an email address there.

@Ajju the solution provided my Laxman worked and I used it as I didnt want to change the activity. Thanks for the help anyways.


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