Send Exchnage Mail activity

I have returned 401 authorization error while I am using send exchange mail activity ,can anyone tell me about send exchange mail activities are running properly in production also…

Hi @Rammi,
Please check if you have correctly filled out these attributes:

Thanks for the reply @Pablito I have given correct credentials only but the error what I got is
(Send Exchange Mail Message: The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.)

Do I have an authorization to interact with the server via send exchange mail activity or any mail integration for exchange server is required

Error 401 usually means that your username or password is wrong. Eventually you don’t have proper rights to access this server.


Yeah, My username and password are correct , maybe my company server may be stopping me to send the mails … I will check with them…Thank you @Pablito for the quick response.

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Hi All,
I am having exchange server 15 but I am using 13 from the Send exchange in the UiPath, but the error remains the same.

Autodiscover isn’t working as well.

Configuration is done as per the above suggestions.

please how do i get to the attributes?

just do like a process flow to get to this stage

Could you give me more details?

@Rammi .

did you use the App password generated from Outlook?

Hi @Rami
This problem is due to microsoft removing all basic authentication for outlook starting on the 1st of October and being rolled out across all tenants in the coming weeks and months.

Please see this link from Microsoft for full details
Deprecation of Basic authentication in Exchange Online | Microsoft Learn

There are a couple of solutions possible.


Hi @GlennRoberts - Is there a workaround for this on UIPath’s end?

@Lou_Kristopher_Milan the option that we have opted for is using azure app registrations to use as an authentication method.

That produces an app id, tenant id and client secret that can be used within an O365 scope (O365 Activities) that allows you to access emails.


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thanks @GlennRoberts :slight_smile: