401 Unauthorized Error on Get/Send Exchange Mail


I am facing error “The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized” across multiple virtual machines and laptops and with different Outlook accounts, on multiple package versions of UiPath.Mail.Activities. The usernames and passwords are correct, as is the Exchange server.

Has anyone else faced this issue recently? I read on a guide that setting up an Application ID may solve the issue but does anyone know if this will definitely resolve the issue?

Hello, what version are you using? The version I use is as in the screenshot and I don’t get any errors. Can you try with this version? The fields I indicated in yellow are filled fields.

You are currently using exchange activity with basic authentication. Basic authentication with exchange will be deprecated shortly. You need to create an app on Azure and use it with the access information (appId,tenantId) you get from there.

Hi @onurerturk,

Yes we discovered this shortly after I made this post but didn’t close it :sweat_smile:

Marked your post as solution to close it.

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you mean to say its revoke from uipath ?

Hi @Aleem_Khan,

It is Microsoft deprecating old authentication rather than UiPath:

But as @onurerturk has said:

This applies to office 365 emails, if your emails are hosted elsewhere it shouldn’t change :slight_smile:

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