Send Control Key F13 not working in Mainframe terminal

I am using Send control Key F13 to continue next screen in Mainframe terminal. But getting error as “Error Send Key”. F8,F9,F12 function keys are working fine. Could you please let me know why this error occurs for F13(Shift+F1) key alone ? . Please suggest a solution for this.

If the hotkey isn’t working, may be try Type into activity with “[k(f13)]” or “[k(shift)]” +“[k(f1)]” as input text.!

In a process I did a few months ago on a mainframe, to send F14 I used shortcut activity with shift + F2 maybe you can do that on yours.

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Hi… Thanks for the suggestions… I tried type into but still facing the same issue… On using f13 I get sendkeyerror. On using shift+f1 I don’t get any error, but there is no action happening in terminal. M not able to attach the terminal selector as it is opened during run time with host ipo. Please share ur thoughts.