Selector with dynamic webctrl ID (Pega content management webpage)

Hi everyone,

I am trying to automate the report generation process in Pega content management webpage. I need to select a report, then click “Action button” then click “Download to Excel” button.
However, the webctrl id is changed dynamically everytime the page is generated, but I realized the ID is always PegaGadget?lfr where ? ={4,5,6}.

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Report A' />
<webctrl id='PegaGadget5Ifr' tag='IFRAME' />
<webctrl aria-role='button' aaname='Actions' />

I also tried to use the wildcard (? / *), then UIPath cannot specify the selector and return error.

Much appreciate if someone can provide resolution.

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Hey @sunnywsl

I think you can go with dynamic variable concatenation to the selector.


Hi @Nithinkrishna
Thanks for your prompt reply but I cannot predict the id generated. It may be 3, 4 or 5.

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Hey @sunnywsl

Then you can please use Star wildcard or the regex based selector to identify the digit.


Thanks @Nithinkrishna
It works with Regex matching

<webctrl id='PegaGadget(3|4|5)Ifr' tag='IFRAME' title='{{ReportName}}' matching:id='regex' />
<webctrl parentid='pyNavigation*' tag='SPAN' innertext='Export To Excel' />
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Perfect @sunnywsl :slight_smile: :+1:

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