Selector for Catering order Time - variable returning default value rather than saved value

Hi I am using Studio to automate restaurant catering order entries into Ezcater platform.

I have already created and trained Document understanding/extraction to retrieve order data from PDFs.

I am having trouble once I reach the Date/Time entry section on EzCater:

This section brings up a calendar and a selection of times that I need to click on according to extracted results Date and Time values.

I was successful in automating the date picker using @Anil_G workflow - While → Check app state

Now for the time picker I am running into issues with the selector.

I’ve created a variable “TimeTime” to test the selector with assigned value “2:30 pm” (I will later replace this with the extracted data variable from document extractor, but using inputted value for now to test)

When editing selector click function, I try to enter variable “TimeTime” in place of aaname or innertext, but it gives me error and requires me to enter default variable (I entered 1:30pm default variable).

Then it will only select default variable, not the assigned/saved value that I want. If I delete default variable, it gives me error. How do I fix this issue to select assigned/saved value, not default value.

Thank you

Hi @apanitos

Please select Override Default Value as show below and helps you to override the value accordingly.



Thanks for response. Still having problems.

I have clicked override before but does not work. It just ignores override so when I validate it just selects default value.

If I try to use variable without assigning default value, I get error/could not find any matches.

Why should this happen if my variable is clearly defined, even confirmed with message box activity.