Select Item in Combobox and Save does not save the selected Item: Lesson 5 - Practice 2 (Level 1 - Foundation Training - 2018.3)

I am trying to execute the Answer provided in Lesson 5 - Practice 2 (Level 1 - Foundation Training - 2018.3)
Main.xaml (14.9 KB)

The exercise, requires to change the Font Script. This flowchart selects a new script, but on clicking “OK” in the font window after the execution of the bot, does not seem to save the selected Script. (This can be seen by Clicking Format->Font…).

  1. Could someone confirm if this behaviour is reproducible when you run the bot & click “OK” in the font window after the execution of the bot? (May be by a like-:heart: or upvote-:+1:)
  2. How can I make sure Select Item Activity is set for sure?

I also tried using the Attach Window for the Combobox and then using Click instead on Select Item. This still does not work.
Main.xaml (38.2 KB)

Also, I wanted to check if it is possible to use Attach Window for the Combobox and then using Click instead on Select Item as an alternate solution. Please confirm with a solution if possible.

@libinv Please find the attached Screen Shot

Add Click activity for OK Button after Select Item Activity
Go to Execute Menu of UiPath Studio, you can add breakpoint as shown in Picture to the activity Click for OK Button.
and then rather than click Run your project just click Debug. It will run and stopped at your breakpoint. Then you can make sure that Script Greek has been selected.

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@Theepan - I did try adding the Click Button on OK. It works till here. The problem is after the execution, now, open fonts dialog, the Greek Script is not set, which was earlier set by the bot. All other details are fine (ie Font, Style & Size) except Script.