Ho to select specific item dynamically within a select drop down list? for example:
In the given list items, only the last part of Item name can either be - Public be - Private.
Just use click activity on the drop down and use select item activity and provide the value you want to select @RajeshSwarnkar, as you mentioned above the value is constant
No, the last part of the string in {GBI_IndiaOnBoarding_Integrity - Public | GBI_IndiaOnBoarding_Integrity - Private} is variable.
Let me rephrase the question:
I am storing the list of GBI specific Item names in array. Dynamically I am iterating through this array. The last part of item name can be random, so I want to select item which has substring say, GBI_IndiaOnBoarding_Integrity - * want to select
No, Currently I am hard-coding item names in an string array to be specific.
Just wanted to check if there is more robust way to match items (other than default equals)
In such cases I am using find children Activity and filter for the listitems
the retrieved listitems I processed afterwards (e.g. find string patterns …)
Once I found the item of choice then I used this (as an uielementvariable) for click or used the text for select item
Sometimes it was working as well using wildcard in select item activity like `GBI_IndiaOnBoarding_Integrity - *, sometimes it was not working. Give a try