Screen scrapping with different generated datatable


 I'm trying to srape a window, the result is a datatable, the goal is to check if the there is "Exeptional" in the column "Mode  precompte" and if it exist check in the date is > than todaysdate+2:

The problem is that tha generated datatable had variable column each time i scrape the window, i think i had to use Matches, but i need to check dates also.

To get the date, use the below regex. Post that you can compare the dates.

*Use Match Activity with Pattern “\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}”.

  • Use Assign strDate = CollMatches(0)




yes but it is not the goal, the probleme the the window does not support datascrapping, only screen scrapping is allowed, then i could had 50 lines like this:

i had used pgdn hotkey, but i’m not sure that it will work for 100 lines

PS: The condition to check is Column4 = Exeptionnel and the date > M+2 (noxw+2months), here is the result of the Filter i had done:


now i had to do the SUM of the Column7, but when i send the hotkey pgdn i can see that there is some lines which belongs to the previous extraction, and as i’m using a counter to get the sum, these lines risks to be counted twics


Id There any solution ?