I have a UI which has table. I did data scapring to it.
I have another UI which has number say for example count=1234
with this count I have to check whether it is present that table
match that count and this count
how to get particular text’s row or column?
please share the screenshot of both the tables, if it is not confidential
It is confidential, but I will send similar one
both are not tables, consider any one amng them for data scraping.
just take any data to compare
suppose if row.equals(“4th July 2019”)
get this row
you can try this-
- read 1st dataTable, then apply For each row
- apply for each row in 2nd dataTable
- assign date column (dataTable2) in a variable
- compare dates in both the datatables using If condition
- Inside If use Add datarow activity, if condition is true
2nd one is not a table
u have just end date is 4th july 2019 -only this text
okay, so assign this value in a variable and compare this with the dates in datatable.
Please make sure date format should be same here while comparing.
I hope this will help you. Please let me know if you have any other query
can you send any sample file of using add data, add data column etc
can we use this expression if (row(“Online Apllication Starts”).equals(date)…?
where date is a variable
row(count).ToString().Equals(“4th July 2019”)
it taking coulmn wise and throwing exception
In case you are trying to extract the end date alone, you can try using Get CV text, set anchor text to “Online Application will end” .
you want to extract the row from datatable where date is equals to “4th July 2019” . Am I right?
If Yes, then you can use Filter datatable activity
how to get 0th row 3rd column text(not excel), table from UI
You have to extract table first. Then by using index of row and column you can get value like-
what here Item is? what if I have Item in previous loops if any?