Scraping Social Media data

@Rammohan91 you are right LinkedIn is trying to stop me in my tracks but I am persistent…partly your solution and @CBlanchard worked a treat. I used a wild card within the ‘aaname’ this allowed me to input user defined data.

Moving forward I am in dire need of some help. I am now at the data scraping part which to be honest works like a charm. My only problem is when the page reloads (so for instance if I refresh the page or I try and run it the next day) I don’t seem to be able to get the datatable to write into a csv or excel file again. When I datascrape it and write range it works the first time but if the webpage has been reloaded (or its the next day) it stops working…

I have tried using wild cards but unfortunately this is not helping this time. I am running out of ideas. The concept works but I cannot get it to output if I reload the page. The metadata has not changed either.

I am at a crossroads, any help on this matter will be highly appreciated. I feel like I am at the verge of finishing the task but I am unable to get this last part done.


