Saved Email With Save Mail Message Has The "Received Date" Changed To "None"

How to save emails using Save Mail Message activity and still have the "Received date" in the saved email?

Issue Description: The Saved emails with Save Mail Message activity do not have the received date, unlike when saving email manually. When the email is saved manually, a valid Received date is present.

  • Manually saved email in Outlook has the end date
  • Mail saved with Save Mail Message doesn't have the received date (None)

Resolution: To resolve the issue, the header("Date") format of the email needs to be modified before saving it and assign to the email item a new header date format by using the following method:
mail.Headers("Date")= datetime.ParseExact(mail.Headers(“Date”),“dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss”,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“ddd d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss”)

To Save Emails from Outlook as MSG with Dates you can try this way:

  • Click on Add File to add Outlook data file from local system.
  • Once the data items are displayed for preview, select the emails you wish to save. Click on Export button.
  • Select MSG from the right panel and click on Advanced Settings button.
  • MSG Settings will open. Open Naming Convention drop-down menu to select the style you want.
  • Choose destination folder and click on Export button to save Outlook emails as msg with dates.