************* Save Attachments *************
At a time, it downloads all the attachment together from the current single email message.
- By Default, all the attachments are downloaded in the Project Folder.
- Add Specific DownloadFolderPath to download the email attachments.
Download the files from email
- Get Outlook Mail Messages Activity that returns ListMailMessages.
- For each messageItem in ListMailMessages.
- Place the Save attachments Activity.
- Message = messageItem
- FolderName = DownloadFolderPath
- Attachments will be saved.
- Next Iteration
- End of For Each
Extract Attachment Information
1. Download various or single type of attachments.
- Place Save Attachments Activity.
- Update the Filter
- Filter = (.xlsx|.pdf|.docx|.xls)
2. Download only if specific type of attachments is available
- For each messageItem in ListMailMessages.
- If-> messageItem.Attachments.Any
- True then,
- If → messageItem.Attachments.Where(Function(x) x.Name.Contains(“.xlsx”)).Count >0
- True then,
- Place the Save attachments Activity.
- Message = messageItem
- FolderName = DownloadFolderPath
- Here, it will download the .xlsx attachment and also other attachments if any available.
- End For
3. The Save Attachments has a output variable known as Attachments.
- Returns a List of Attachments for a given email.
- Type : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.String>
- For each AttachItem in ListOfCurrentEmailAttachments
- Set the ArgumentType = System.Net.Mail.Attachments
- Assign strExtension = Path.GetExtension(AttachItem.Name).ToString
- Now strExtension will contain “.xls” value.
Depending upon the attachment extension
4. Download the attachments with same names.
- If OverwriteExisting is selected, the existing file will be overwritten.
5. Create a DownloadFolderPath based on Email SubjectName or TodaysDate
- You can create folder and name it as per the SubjectName. However, precheck if there any symbol in SubjectName
- SubjectName = messageItem.Subject
- TodaysDate = Now.ToString(“dd_MM_yyyy”)
- Assign DownloadFolderPath = “C:\Users\Geet\UiPath\EmailAttachment\TodaysDate\SubjectName\”
- Check DownloadFolderPath Path Exists
- If not then Create Folder
- Download.
Feel free to let me know more about the UiPath Activity Save Attachments
Also, Please correct me, if you find something needs to be changed or corrected.
Geet M