I have a folder having all the outlook item format files.I need to open each Outlook Item file where each file may contain different files with different formats(.xlsx,.PDF). I need to open XLSX files. How do i do it?
Hi @AditiGandhi
Do Save Attachment activity while doing get outlook mail message
and then do iterate the attachments by using start process
Ashwin S
Hi @AshwinS2
outlook item files are the files which are directly saved from outlook. I need to open this file and then check for .xlsx file and open it.
Kindly have a view on this thread
Cheers @AditiGandhi
Hi @AditiGandhi
Use Path exists
and then if condition as strOut.ToString.contains(“.xlsx”)
Ashwin S
I need to open the attachments(.xlsx) that are in the outlook item(which is downloaded from outlook). When the outlook item file is opened in the share folder, all the attachments appear. I only want to download the .xlsx file types from it.
kindly have a view on this
Cheers @AditiGandhi
Hi, @Palaniyappan,
Thanks for the mentioned article. But all the outlook items are already saved into share folder. So i dont need to download them. Just open the downloaded file and download the desired attachment.
In the above article, ‘.attachment’ is being used which is not suitable for my case as they are already in share folder.