SAP LogOn Pad Screen Automation

Hello @UiPath_Community

I am automating script where I need to fetch data and work on SAP LogOn Pad screen. But UiPath is treating SAP LogOn Pad screen as image, so I am trying to use CV Screen scope to work but its becoming complicated while using same. Is there any other way to work on SAP LogOn Pad screen.

Thanks in advance.

Vaibhav Shukla


If the operations you need to perform in SAP are supported by SAP Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) or Remote Function Call (RFC), you can use the SAP activities provided by UiPath.

UiPath provides dedicated SAP Automation activities that can interact with SAP GUI elements directly. Make sure you have the “UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities” package installed and check if the SAP activities are available.


Hi @Vaibhav_Shukla ,

SAP GUI Scripting allows external applications like UiPath to interact with SAP GUI. You’ll need to enable SAP scripting. Once configured, you can use activities specific to SAP scripting to interact with SAP elements directly.

Vinit Mhatre

Hello @Vinit_Mhatre

GUI Scripting is already enabled.

Can you share screenshot of the SAP logon Pad screen & What you want to do.

You need to setup configurations according to these instructions: Studio - Configuration Steps -

Hello @Vaibhav_Shukla

you can use the SAP activities to automate the SAP Login functionality after enabling the SAP GUI scripting on client side and server side in SAP.


Hello @AJ_Ask
I have attached screenshot , I need to click on (SCQ001, QC2030,…) one by one and perform several actions inside them.
But UiPath is considering it as a image. I have already checked Scripting is enabled.

Hi @Vaibhav_Shukla

Can you check if the below options are disabled in the logon pad options.

  • Navigate to “Accessibility & Scripting” → Scripting → Notify when a script attaches to SAP GUI
  • Navigate to “Accessibility & Scripting” → Scripting → Notify when a script opens a connection

if this option are enabled, disable it and try.


Try using Select Menu Item


If the scripting is off it will show something like this when you try to select the element.

Hello @Venkat4

Tried that as well still its not working.

Hello @AJ_Ask

Yes I have checked that and scripting is enabled.


can you confirm if you have enabled client side scripting and server side scripting as well?



client side only, I am not having server side and not sure if can do that or not.


you can follow the steps mentioned in the below link to enable the server side scripting.


making this setting change will it effect for every one or for only particular machine where SAP is installed


the server side scripting settings will be specific for the SAP user.


Hi @Vaibhav_Shukla

The scripting has to be enabled from RZ11 as well. We also had the same issue and got it resolved after enabling it.

It will give a warning stating this might affect all the users but it doesnt make any impact.

You can also check with your SAP team and confirm.