Same selector for Check App State and Get Text, but Get Text says multiple matches found

The idea is to wait for an alert to appear and get the text from that alert. Here is the selector for the Check App State:

Window: "<html app='chrome.exe' title='*Salesforce' />"
Fuzzy: "<webctrl aria-role='alertdialog' tag='DIV' type='' aaname='' />"


Here is the selector for the Get Text:

Window: "<html app='chrome.exe' title='*Salesforce' />"
Fuzzy: "<webctrl aria-role='alertdialog' tag='DIV' type='' aaname='' />"


Yet the Check App State gives this (which is correct as the alert is not currently displayed)

And the Get Text gives this:

Hi @postwick

Try to use with more anchors (max is 3)

There aren’t and can’t be any anchors, as it’s a DIV that appears and disappears. And the exact same selector on two different activities should not work differently.