Run vbs file from Invoke Code and return value

Hello everyone. I am trying to start vbscript and return value from Invoke Code Activity.
However, I am seeing this error and do not know what to do.

Would appreciate any help.

I am also attaching the code below
Dim script As MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
Dim sCode As String
sCode = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(“C:\Desktop\test.vbs”)

script.Language = “VBScript”
script.UseSafeSubset = True

Dim DateIN As String = “1/1/2009”
script.Run(“Main”, DateIN)

Hi @Kyrylo_Kondrashov

Could you check these couple of threads? They both have a post marked as a solution to your error code:

Please use UiPath.Core.Activities.StartProcess

Please create your VB Script file on a notepad and save it as “.vbs” file in your local drive.
then please enter vbs file path in working directory location with out file name. enter file vbs name in file name location under properties. enter arguments as file name with out extension of file name.

This works perfectly. you can change vb script in the .vbs file as and when you want.
Hope my inputs are useful.