Run Local Triggers in RPA Reframework


I was experimenting with Run Local Trigger activity and it seems that the are issues preventing robot from starting when this activity is found in any file of the project.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create new project with RoboticEnterprizeFramework
  2. Update all packages to the newest version
  3. Add Run Local Triggers as first activity in Init State (or anywhere else)
  4. Press Run

By my testing - You should get an error - Duplicate Attribute with the following message

Error: RemoteException wrapping System.InvalidOperationException: Duplicate attribute. 
   at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddContentSkipNotify(Object content)
   at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddContentSkipNotify(Object content)
   at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddContentSkipNotify(Object content)
   at UiPath.TriggersProcessor.LocalTriggers.XmlTransform.TriggerXmlGenerator.BuildGeneratedWorkflow(TriggerWorkflowModel startingWorkflow, List`1 otherWorkflows, WorkflowModel mergedWorkflowModel, String secondTemplatePart)
   at UiPath.TriggersProcessor.LocalTriggers.XmlTransform.TriggerXmlGenerator.GenerateBigParallel(TriggerWorkflowModel startingTriggerModel, List`1 otherWorkflowModels)
   at UiPath.TriggersProcessor.LocalTriggers.Transforms.TriggerTransform.Transform(TransformArgs transformArgs)
   at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.LocalTriggers.Services.LocalTriggersTransformServiceProjectEndpoint.Transform(String startingWorkflowPath, IEnumerable`1 otherWorkflowPaths, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.Server.<>c__DisplayClass7_3.<<-ctor>g__InvokeMethod|6>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.Server.<>c__DisplayClass7_1.<<-ctor>g__HandleRequest|3>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.Server.<>c__DisplayClass7_2.<<-ctor>b__5>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List`1 cancellationTokens, Func`2 func, String message, Func`2 exceptionHandler), HResult -2146233088

From what I have deducted - the file causing this error is …\Framework\RetryCurrentTransaction.xaml

After deleting this file - the problem stops.
What is even more interesting - this particular file is unable to see Global variables defined in the project. And after opening this file in Studio, You now can not see the Global variables option in data manager until You restart studio.

I am looking for a solution (rather than recreating whole file) for this scenario.
Please inform if You can recreate the same error as on my end - it seems this problem occurs 100% when creating/reusing projects.

Thank you for reporting this @eQueX

It will be fixed in Studio 24.10.6.



I’have updated Studio to 24.10.6 This have fixed the issue with the activity Run Local Triggers

Yet, the same …\Framework\RetryCurrentTransaction.xaml still causes issues. This file in particular still does not sees Config as a global variable.

What is even more interesting - when open in advanced editor - it looks like a variable is there, but flowchart view still shows error, also when trying to run robot error is also visible and prevents robot from starting.

I was able to replicate your issue as I am also trying to merge the best of REF and AF templates. Even the variable editor sees the global variables, but then fails after using it. I can copy that log activity to another flow, remove the parm variables and it likes the global.

I wonder if it is because it’s a Flowchart instead of Workflow/sequence container.

BTW, thanks for the thread for me to see the Run Local Triggers issue. Adding forms to REF is a pain.

There is indeed some sort of a bug still in there.

For a workaround, you can create a new flowchart file and copy paste everything from one flowchart to another.

I was able to reproduce it by:

  • creating a new, empty ReFramework
  • going to the …\Framework\RetryCurrentTransaction.xaml and changing the in_Config to a variable and then to a Global scope (at which point the error starts to show up
  • I then created a new flowchart and copy pasted everything to the new flowchart
  • (I still had to copy the 4 arguments from the original flowchart)

And it seems to work and validate correctly.

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@eQueX and @loginerror

Going through forum posts, I think I figured out something and want to ask some questions:

@eQueX , did you start with REFramework template (like I did)? From what I can find, anything “created” by legacy has problems with Global variables.

@loginerror Didn’t the RE-Framework convert from Legacy version to the Windows only version at some point in its lifetime?

Could some of these issues be from left over xaml’s ?

I notice that when I click into different sections, the Variable and especially the Globals do not always show up in the Data Manager panel. Search for forums for topics about global variable issues.