Run in Assitant doesn´t store the file

Hello, does anyone know why the run in UiPath Assistant doesn´t store the file i the preselected folder. When i run process in Studio it works perfectly. Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.

Hey @tom.ri

When you publish a process then the root folder location changes to “C:Drive\User.…” as mentioned below



You can see your project in Package folder with the published name just check it once!
Your required file will be stored their!

Ajay Mishra

Hey @Ajay_Mishra thanks, it is there. Do you also know where I can change the file location.

Thank you in adance.


@tom.ri Your Welcome!

You can change your file storing location but for that you have to do required modification in the file storing logic in your project code!

Ajay Mishra

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