Run bots unattended with the screen off or without being logged in

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to configure an unattended bot so that the bot runs with the screen off or without the session being opened?

Hi @Melanny_Herrera_Cruz

Do you Enableb the Login Console option in Orchestrator, If not enable the option to execute the process in the background.

Follow the below steps to enable Login to Console option,
Go to Tenant-> Folders-> Select the respective folder-> Select the account-> Click on three dots-> Edit Tenant Role & robot(optional)-> Click on Robot Settings-> In Session Settings-> Enable Login to Console-> Select No.

Refer the below images for steps:

Hope it helps!!

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Configure your progress as a ‘background process’.

Do note, you cannot do any Ui interaction nor run applications such as Excel etc.
Its mostly useful for things that are API based.

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