Return All Elements Of A Table Using Find All Children Activity

Hi All
Am trying this example from the knowledge base found in Uipath. However, when am trying to update the selector using the Uipath explorer am not able to hover on the data table as per the example. Kindly let me know how can i select the data table as per the given steps in the knowledge base.
Step no 2. Select the entire table using the “Selector” property.

link to the KNOWLEDGE BASE page.

Hey @mozahra,

If you are not able to hover over the complete Table in your Page, just select any row using UiExplorer and then Navigate to the table tag using ‘Visual Tree’ Pane on the left. Select the ‘Table’ tag, Right Click and Select ‘Set as Target Element’. Use the updated selector for your ‘Find Children’ activity.

Let me know if it helps.

Rammohan B.

@Rammohan91 Thanks . However, its only allowing me to select one cell at a time not the whole row. is there any specific way i can select the whole raw.

Hi, I was trying something similar earlier but you gave me the write clue. I only selected a cell then targeted the whole table in UiExplorer and it worked.
Thanks my dear. Much appreciated.

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