RetryNumber for non-Queue item in REframework

Hello I need some help understanding the flow in the REframework around this retrynumber when not using Orchestrator queues. When a system exception occurs, the destination is set to go back to init.
Per the attached, the io_retrynumber gets increased by 1 as each time a retry happens till the max no. of retries reached. and once that number is reached, the io_retrynumber is set to be 0 again to allow the next item to be retried. what I don’t understand is that where does this io_retrynumber get passed in the framework from here? in other words, where is the link between the retrynumber and init? any help will be appreciated!

then it will be used from setting within the Config (Excel)

Thanks @ppr, there must be something I’m missing here. so how does init know when the max number of retries have reached? I thought the MaxRetryNumber in Config is only used in this: io_RetryNumber >= Convert.ToInt32(in_Config(“MaxRetryNumber”))?

refer to setStatus xaml
best done while debuging and setting relevant breakpoints

yea you are right, I’ll set one up with intentional application exception and watch how it goes. Thanks!

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