Retrying Workflows


Is it possible if I have an error in a workflow to go back to the previous workflow and rerun it ?


Hi @MHarakeh

Have you develop your workflow in reframe work ?

It boat sure we can able to implement this login.

Have you tried with Retry scope activity.


Hi @MHarakeh

You can include the workflow inside a retry scope and if it fails then the retry scope will re run the workflow again

Like this

this retries twice if there is any failure with a time gap of 1000ms or 1 second

You can specify a condition for pass and fail of retry but that is optional…if you leave it blank then any system exception will be retried


Hi @Gokul001,

No I didn’t use reframe work…

@Anil_G I have to separate workflows, one where user inputs his credentials and another where he uses those credentials to login…

What I want is when he tries to login in the second workflow if it failed it has to return to the first workflow for him to reinput his workflow… is it possible or is there a better way to implement ?

Hi @MHarakeh

You can include both the workflows one after the other in the same retry scope so that when second fails the bot starts to retry from the first flow automatically. SO you will have two invoke workflows inside the retry scope

Another way would be to check if there are errors and loop back to the previous workflow using flow chart and flow conditions


Thanks @Anil_G will try that :slight_smile:

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Hi @Anil_G,

I have used retry scope in my main workflow and invoked the two workflows inside the retry scope, one which prompts an input dialog for the user to input his credentials and the other is used to login the website…

When I enter the right credentials all is good but when I enter wrong credentials it’s not retrying it’s throwing the following error…

Hi @MHarakeh

This generally occurs when maximum retries is reached and condition is not met. Try changing retry to 2

And also check if the bot is failing before going to check box itself …that way retry is completed but you might not see the dialogue box because the error occurred before that. Try running the bot in debug and check each step when it fails as well

Please check this


Thanks @Anil_G,

It’s not prompting the input dialog it’s failing to do that, I tried to debug it runs the first time as needed the second time it fails directly after checking the condition of the retry scope…

Hi @MHarakeh

So did you try giving the retry value to 2 ? even then it is failing?

Is the condition becoming true even when login is failed? can you check that as well please

And in Debug mode check the locals panel to check the inner exception as well


Changing the retry value for 2 solved this I guess, now when I’m using try catch to handle the error if login failed, I’m checking whether the logout button is existing but sometimes the website takes sometime to login so it’s not showing…
is there a way to handle this without using a hardcoded delay… ?

Hi @MHarakeh

Increase the timeout value in the element exists. SO when it takes more time it waits for more time and when available it identifies immediately and moves ahead


There’s no timeout value in the element exists…

Hi @MHarakeh

If you expand the target you will see the timeout property


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Thank you so much @Anil_G

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