Retriving data from an excel on basis of multiple columns

I have an excel sheet
on the basis of Column B,C,D and E i need to retrive Value from column A that is ABCD


You can use linq query here

resultArray = dt.AsEnumerable().
    Where(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)("B") = "ConditionB" AndAlso
                        row.Field(Of String)("C") = "ConditionC" AndAlso
                        row.Field(Of String)("D") = "ConditionD" AndAlso
                        row.Field(Of String)("E") = "ConditionE").
    Select(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)("A")).ToArray()

resultString = String.Join(", ", resultArray)

Hope this helps

Cheers @Pogboom

Based on the what condition we need to get the value from that because you mentioned B,C,D And E so


what will be the variable type for this resultArray one any specific?

Resultarray will be of type array of string

resultString = String.Join(", ", resultArray)
what does this conidtion do?

This concatenates all the values in an array to a string
Comma is the delimiter between each value in a string

Say array has {1,2,3}
Then this join would do
β€œ1, 2, 3”


just need to fetch value from first column on basis on or more like checks on B,C,D and E

any other approach i am getting error : unable to cast object of type system.double to system.string

this is not working getting error like unable to cast objectof type system.double to system.string

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I think it’s because some of the column has numerical value
Simply mention like this in linq query

resultArray = dt.AsEnumerable().
    Where(Function(row) row("B").ToString.Equals ("ConditionB") AndAlso row("C").ToString.Equals("ConditionC") AndAlso row("D").ToString.Equals("ConditionD") AndAlso row("E").ToString.Equals("ConditionE")
    Select(Function(row) row("A")).ToArray()

resultString = String.Join(", ", resultArray)

Just removed to string field type
Cheers @Pogboom


Please try this

dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) x("Address").ToString.Equals(AddressVariable) and x("City").ToString.Equals(CityVariable) and x("Postal").ToString.Equals(PostalVariable.ToString) and x("Zip").ToString.Equals(ZipVariable)).Select(function(x) x("Code").ToString).FirstOrDefault


what will be the variable type?


it is string


if there are no headers only value in an excel what will change in query?


use indexes liek 0,1,2,3 instead of columnName
