Help in LINQ query

Hi All,
i have excel sheet and i need to filter a column. it contains numeric values and string values.
I need to filter and get the rows which are grater than 18 if their age.

DT.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) If(Double.TryParse(row.Field(Of Object)(“Age”).ToString(),0), CDbl(row.Field(Of Object)(“Age”))>18,False)).CopyToDataTable()

this code is working when column contains numeric values.
Sometimes i get only string values at the time i’m getting error with that. How can i handle that exception . any help in code modification.

Hi @Learner007

    If(Double.TryParse(row.Field(Of Object)("Age").ToString(), 0), 
        CDbl(row.Field(Of Object)("Age")) > 18, 
        If(row.Field(Of Object)("Age").ToString().Trim() <> "", 

A defensive Query syntax

dtFiltered =

(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
Let ag = d("Age")
Where Not (isNothing(ag) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(ag.toString.Trim) )
Where Double.TryParse(ag.ToString.Trim, nothing)
Where Double.Parse(ag.ToString.Trim) > 18
Select r = d).CopyToDataTable

hi @ppr Still getting same error.

My Input1 :
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available

Input 2 :
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available

Even my should work for Second Input but it is giving error like below

Assign: The source contains no DataRows.

we dont know which one

we do:
:ambulance: :sos: [FirstAid] Handling of The source contains no DataRows exception - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

Hi @pravallikapaluri Still getting same error

Assign: The source contains no DataRows.

@ppr if the input comes likes this then it is throwing error. If it contains at least 1 numeric value it won’t throw error. I will check that link what you have sent.


dtData.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (x) x(“CCode”).toString.Trim.ToUpper.Equals(strCCFilter.ToUpper)).CopyToDataTable

How can i use this for integer and what is the value of strCCFilter

As described within the FirstAid

Result | DataType: List(Of DataRow) =

(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
Let ag = d("Age")
Where Not (isNothing(ag) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(ag.toString.Trim) )
Where Double.TryParse(ag.ToString.Trim, nothing)
Where Double.Parse(ag.ToString.Trim) > 18
Select r = d).ToList

then model the if and check if there are Datarows returned or not


Try this one

Dim ageString As String = row.Field(Of Object)(“Age”).ToString()
Dim isNumeric As Boolean = Double.TryParse(ageString, 0)
If isNumeric Then
Dim ageValue As Double = CDbl(ageString)
Return ageValue > 18
Return False
End If

Hope it will helps you :slight_smile:

Hi @Nawazish_Ahmad getting below error.

@ppr I’m unable to assign it to a output variable list

It is throwing error

Whenever an error is encountered, the detail information is also to share directly. We avoid ping-pong communication and the support can be done more efficently.

  • Reread the FirstAid and follow the described steps
  • Adapt the Assigns,
  • create needed additional variables and modellings

Hi @Learner007 ,

Please find the below mentined link, whcih contains video on it.

Link:- (This will works from 15-Dec-2023 at 5PM onwards)

Linq:- DT.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) If(Integer.TryParse(row(“Age”).ToString(), Nothing), Convert.ToInt32(row(“Age”)) > 18, False)).CopyToDataTable()

This will needs to surrounded by try catch, then it will work with out any error.
Filter with Linq And Filter Data Table Solution-N0-4.xaml (17.8 KB)