I am currently trying to Get the output out of an HTML element and pass it out as a string. Since getting file is not in native to current UiPath forms, I am using basic html to get a file input. However when I close the form, the file paths are not passing out as intended. Below are some images showing the HTML, the key, and the output collection.
Use the Get Form values activity to retrieve the values of specific form components at runtime. The way you retrieve the values is by using key-value pairs, where Key is the Property Name of the form component, and Value is the variable where you want to store its value.
In your case the Property is Traning_Excel_Sheet give it in the Key field and In the value create a variable in the studio to store the value.
When I tried to do this I got a new error:
Get Form Values: The form was not found. Please make sure that you have shown the form before and that the Instance Name you’re using is correct (FormNotFound)
Is there any solution for this? So far I can find no way to use the modern UiPath forms to let a user select a file or folder and get that path out of the form.