Some one suggest me.If you use Nested if, it is very difficult to understand the workflow, because the IF activity splits a sequence vertically
So please use Boolean flags instead of using nested ifs
@chenderson thanks for reply shall send you code.So please watch this and suggest what I need to do because I need to write this code again today my code review suggest me …??
If you use Nested if, it is very difficult to understand the workflow, because the IF activity splits a sequence vertically and is perfect for short balanced linear branches. Challenges come when more conditions need to be chained in an IF… ELSE IF manner, especially when branches exceed available screen size in either width or height
So,Nested If statements are to be avoided to keep the workflow simple/linear.
Some one suggest me If you use Nested if, it is very difficult to understand the workflow, because the IF activity splits a sequence vertically
So use Boolean flags instead of using nested ifs.Can you please suggest me how can I achieve this
It is indeed possible to use boolean flags, but then you still have nested ifs. A flowchart is much better in this situation. Please check the answer in your other thread linked above