Replace multiple characters in a string with "-"

Hey everyone,

I have a simple string question,
I have a variable where I get the input from the user, and what I want to do is if user gives

/ , \ , * , : , ? , " , > , < , | inside the string I want to replace all with " - ".

so for example string= hi/my*\?name<>
after replacement it should be hi-my—name–

Any suggestions?
Maybe some single execution solution?

Heres a solution

  1. assign this to a string variable e.g. “result” , where “input” is your string input,
    this will replace any / , \ , * , : , ? , " , > , < , | that it finds

Note that Chr(34) means double quote, as you cant just place a double quote inside a string



Works like a charm. Thank you


No problem, good luck!

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