Renaming outlook attachments to match subject of e-mail

I am working on an automation that will save attachments dependent on the subject of an e-mail. So far I have everything working correctly but where I am stuck is how can I get UiPath to rename the attachment to match the subject of the e-mail? Is this possible and any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @michael.automation welcome.
please check
emailfilter.xaml (10.7 KB)

Incase you face UiPath version issue.


Renaming files and emails in Outlook
Navigate to the file or email you wish to rename,
Click on the three dots next to the file name and select “Rename”
Edit the name in the text box.
Click the “Approve” button to save the emails new name


Is there a way to have uipath rename the attachment automatically to match the subject line of the e-mail that it is saving it from?

Is it possible to add this to the file destination so it automatically adds the subject line text to the file name when it saves it? “@SQL=”“urn:schemas:httpmail:subject”