Removing Watermark From Pdf File Using OCR Activity

We have to extract table data from pdf file using ocr activity and save into excel file. but the watermark is there in the pdf file so that table data is not extract properly.
How to remove watermark from pdf file using ocr activity in uipath studio?
Kindly help me to resolve problem

Check this:

can remove watermark using Any uipath Activity or OCR activity?

currently there is no activity to remove watermark, we have activities to add only

Thank You

So How Ignor Watermark from pdf becouse when i try to Extract Table data from pdf file that time watermark also extracted And wrong data entered in excel file(output file ).
please kindly help me

Please share code for extract PDF watermark from text or image?

import cv2
import numpy as np

img = cv2.imread(“C:\ABC.png”)
alpha = 2.0
beta = -160

new = alpha * img + beta
new = np.clip(new, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)

cv2.imwrite(“C:\cleaned.png”, new)