Removing the old month data in new1 excel sheet

I have 2 file old month data is New.xl . Current month file name is New1.xl
In the current month file i have the old month files also. I need to compare both files and remove the old month data in current month sheet
In that file 3 rows are there
New1.xlsx (11.0 KB)
NEW.xlsx (9.2 KB)
I attached both file here
The final result are in OP sheet in New1 file


Can you try the following sample?

cuurentDt.AsEnumerable.Except(previousDt.AsEnumerable,DataRowComparer.Default).CopyToDataTable (17.2 KB)


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I try this method, here in result. Xlsx file has the old data, but i want the new data


Sorry but can you elaborate?

Your OP sheet is your expected result, isn’t it? The output of the above samepl is same as OP sheet, as the following.


This is the output i got


Did you try the above sample as it is? Or modified data etc?


Above one only. Just run the xml file that u send


It seems strange…
Can you share your current project which outputs the above result?


Sorry i found the correct result, I choose wrong input file so only the result is not correct