Remove spaces from file name

Hello, my robot is looping through files in a folder and I would like it to remove spaces from the file name, how can I do this?

Hi @sullivanne

Use the below syntax:

CurrentFile.Name.Replace(" ","")

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @sullivanne

Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurrentFile.ToString).Replace(" ", "")


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Thank You, but robot removed spaces in variable but not in folder.

You need to use rename file activity @sullivanne


Use Rename File Activity @sullivanne



Maybe something like this.

Path.GetFullPath(YourFilePath).Replace(" ","")


Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurrentFile.ToString).Replace(" ", "")


I have error: The source doesn’t exist :frowning:


Can you show the screenshot of workflow


The image depicts a flowchart of a file handling process, featuring conditional checks, variable assignments, and file renaming operations. (Captioned by AI)


Can you please print the currentItem in immediate panel or message box activity


A message box displays a file path: "Z:ystrybucja masowaracownik9166_20240901.pdf" with an OK button. (Captioned by AI)
Thank You.


Use this in Rename File activity.

Path.GetDirectoryName(currentItem)+"\"+Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currentItem).ToString.Replace(" ","")

This should remove the file name spaces.

Ashok :slight_smile: