Remove Excel Duplicates(Multiple Column to be Considered)

Hi ,
I need to remove duplicate from excel considering combination of 3 fields need to unique. If you have any sample please provide



Use Excel Application scope and then Read Range which will copy this data into a datatable.

After that Use Remove Duplicate Rows activity that will give you the desired result

“Remove Duplicate Rows” - Do we have any activity like that?
I didn’t find it in my activities list

Here it is make sure you have all the packages installed


It is there with the UiPath.Core.Activities package

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The version Which I have is 17.1.6522.14190, Could you please check the version of UiPath.Core.Activities?

its 18.2.6732.32230

Thanks for your reply…
I am using UiPath version 2017.1
Still I can add activities package of 18.2.6732.32230?
Auto update is not happening for this version.
If you could give me some head up how can i download package externally and add will solve this prob for me…

Thanks in advance

Uninstall the existing package and re-install it

ok Thanks… I will try doing it

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